Every Brilliant Thing

By Duncan Macmillan, with Jonny Donahoe

Directed by Pattye Archer

August 24, 25 and 27, 2023
The Playhouse on Main

Starring Elizabeth Davis Williams

You’re six years old. Mom’s in hospital. Dad says she’s “done something stupid.” She finds it hard to be happy. So you start to make a list of everything that’s brilliant about the world. Everything that’s worth living for. 1. Ice cream. 2. Water fights. 3. Staying up past your bedtime and getting to watch TV. 4. The color yellow. 5. Things with stripes. 6. Rollercoasters. 7. People falling over.

You leave it on her pillow. You know she’s read it because she’s corrected your spelling. Soon, the list will take on a life of its own. A play about depression and the lengths we will go to for those we love.

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Click here to see a copy of the Every Brilliant Thing poster.

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