Starkville Community Theatre ... Something Extra

Much like New York City, Starkville Community Theatre’s Playhouse on Main is a place that never – okay, well, rarely – sleeps.

In addition to our regular season of productions, SCT produces at least one children’s production each year, a summer musical revue, a competition show for the annual Mississippi Theatre Association’s Festival, and many seasons we also produce an extra show in May or at Christmas time. SCT also hosts several social events including a Holiday Potluck and a summer banquet or picnic each year, and general meetings on the first Thursday of even months at 6 p.m. (August, October, February, April and June), which are open to everyone. In addition, many of our active members perform at community events like the Cotton District Arts Festival, the local Relay for Life, the Starkville Area Arts Council Gala, organization and club meetings, and a host of other events.

When there is not a production going on at the Playhouse, there is usually a rehearsal going on (and many times productions and rehearsals for other upcoming productions are happening simultaneously). And of course during the rehearsal period there are also work days – or fun days as we like to call them. Fun days happen most Saturday mornings during the six-week rehearsal process. And we are always looking for volunteers to join the fun.

We would love to have you join us for any and all of these exciting activities. How? Buy a ticket to a show, come to a work day, serve on a committee, bring a dish to an opening night party, serve as an usher and take up tickets, come to a meeting – or just stop by the Playhouse and say hello.