Social Security

By Andrew Bergman

Directed by Paula Mabry
February 19-22, and 24-28, 2015
The Playhouse on Main

Featuring – Debbie Dunaway, Terry Reese McDowell, Paul Ruff, Gabe Smith, Christopher Walrath, and Marsha Williams

David and Barbara Kahn are happily married, and successful, art dealers. Their domestic tranquility, however, is shattered upon the arrival of Barbara's goody-goody nerd of a sister, Trudy, her uptight CPA husband, Martin, and her archetypal Jewish Mother, Sophie. They are there to try to save their college student daughter from the horrors of living only for sex. The comic sparks really begin to fly when Sophie hits it off with Maurice Koenigh, an elderly minimalist artist who is the Kahn's best client!

Click here to read the program from Social Security.

Click here to view the photo gallery from Social Security.

Click here to see the poster from Social Security.

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