Directed by Pattye Archer
Musical direction by Gwyen Elizabeth Sutphin
July 26-28 and August 2-4, 2018
Playhouse on Main
Featuring – Rylee Burchfield, Taylor Comer, Michele Crescenzo. MJ Etua, Genny Fischer, Audrey Gammill, Madeline Golden, Brian Hawkins, Lorraine Hughes, Thomas La Foe, Brenda Mayo, Terry McDowell, Sarah Norris, William Norris, Cindy Ruff, Paul Ruff, Brandi Street, and Krista Vowell
With Gwyen Elizabeth Sutphin on keyboard and Drew Dieckmann, Matthew Reynolds, and Judson Smith on guitar
To celebrate our 20th annual summer musical revue, Snapshots takes us on a musical journey down memory lane. Featuring songs from the first 19 summers, the musical revue not only features a cast of SCT veterans and newcomers, but each evening we will be joined by cast members from previous summer shows. Come enjoy some of your favorite Broadway numbers, classics and all-time summer favorites.
>Click here to read the program from Snapshots
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Click here to see the poster from Snapshots.
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