By Jeanne Michels & Phyllis Murphy
Directed by Pattye Archer
Thursday, May 20, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Fire Station Park
Featuring – Madeline Golden and Marianne Ulmer with Lyle Tate and Louie Gallo
The Queen of Bingo is the story of Sis and Babe - sisters and best friends who've been playing bingo together for years at St. Joseph’s. They dish the dirt, giggle like schoolgirls and share old memories. They drive each other crazy and keep each other company. On this particular night, Babe and Sis share something new as they each confess a secret and find a special kind of redemption.
On any Bingo night at St. Joseph's, you can find Father Mac, Lonnie and Cindy Conklin, Marge Meranski, Coach Anderson, and the many off beat, colorful regulars we meet through the eyes of Sis and Babe.
Sis is a good loser who just loves to play. Babe is a player who has always got to win. Sis is naturally fit and trim. Babe is naturally overweight and always fighting the battle of the bulge.
Sis is content in her widowhood. Babe is still looking for love. They compliment each other in ways only sisters can and they drive each other crazy in that same sisterly fashion. On this particular night, Babe and Sis share something new as they each confesses a secret and finds a special kind of redemption
Click here to read the program from The Queen of Bingo
Click here to see a copy of the The Queen of Bingo poster.
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