The Rhythm

By M. J. Etua

Directed by M. J. Etua
June 24-29, 2013
The Playhouse on Main

Featuring - Claire Caprio, Samantha Turner, Abbie Stricklin, Sarah Rendon, Kathryn Walters, Kira Wornack, Daniel Jones, George Willis, Joy Carino, Sophie Stricklin, Alex Ewing, Alisha Carino, Miranda Berry, Brayden Green, Teddy Haffey, Grant Peterson, Chance Berry, John Geoffrey Campbell, Jasper Gray, Hannah Jones, Kadeen Ross, Lily Grado, Gracie Kibler, Sicily Brocato, Joy Payne, Jasmine Wornack, Mary Claire Willis, Sawyer, Gus Willis, Alisha Carino, Abigayle Green, Carter Campbell, Wendy Campbell, Lindy Peterson, Kaela Carino, and Julia Schloemer

This summer is a time to rock your roll, hip your hop, and pop.

We are heading back to the home of the band, The Beat. The Brothers from the B.O.O.K. School have challenged their students to raise money for their favorite charities. What better way than through music! Four groups of students form four bands to raise the money. Soon everyone gets into the act and that's when the fun begins! Not only can they impact their favorite charities but they can also make their mark on the world. But will their rivalries ruin their hard work? Will fame go to their heads?

Click here to read the program from The Rhythm.

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