By M. J. Etua
Directed by M. J. Etua
June 22-25, 2011
The Playhouse on Main
Featuring – Sarah Blanton, Tyler Blanton, Sicily Brocato, Vinnie Brocato, Kenzie Claire Burchfield, Rylee Burchfield, Carter Campbell, John G. Campbell, Wendy Campbell, Claire Caprio, Keith Caprio, Salil Chalise, Evie Daniels, Hannah Daniels, Sawyer Gray, Jasper Gray, Abigayle Green, Grayden Green, Tyler Griffis, Shae Heiselt, Callie Hester, Elizabeth Hurt, Jamie Hutchenson, Daniel Jones, Hannah Jones, Nabikshya Kunwar, Cathy Li, Japhe Long, Meryl-Grace McReynolds, Ryan Mikel, Aylin Mimili, Abigail Musser, Kadeen Ross, Beatrice Dinep- Schneider, Olivia Dinep-Schneider, Alex Smith, Leilah Taylor, Aika Temu, Amani Temu, Devotha Temu, Sia Temu, Fallon Traweek, Megan Traweek, Samantha Turner, Trey Wallace, Allexie Williams
This year, Project P.L.A.Y. chose two recycling projects to incorporate in the show.
The first project was to recycle bottles and metals and create bottle trees. Thank you to Diesha Taylor and the Winston Louisville Vocational Center for the bottle trees and to the Traweeks for painting and wiring the bottles. The sun and moon were also made with recycled metal. The second project was to make the costumes for the show out of recycled t-shirts. A special thanks goes to the costume crew (including Carole, Diane, Lois, Tracey) for creating the costumes. Thanks to the parents who let SCT P.L.A.Y. with such a wonderful group of talented children. Thank you also for all of your patience, sacrifice, encouragement, support, and love. You, as parents (grandparents and siblings included) are shining examples of the community that makes SCT proud.
~ M. J. Etua
Click here to read the program from Magnolia Grimm.
Click here to view the photo gallery from Magnolia Grimm.
Click here to see the poster from Magnolia Grimm.
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