It's About Time

Project P.L.A.Y.

By M. J. Etua

June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, 2009
The Playhouse on Main

Featuring - Shane Aguayo, Rachel Barnes, Claire Caprio, Keith Caprio, Alisha Carino, Colin Damms, Kelsey Damms, Rachael Damms, Lacey DeLatte, Kasey Faver, Victoria Hearn, Will Irvin, Daniel Jones, Hannah Jones, Stephen Jones, Justin Lehnerer, Holly Maynard, Meryl Grace McReynolds, Kailynn Minor, Kariah Minor, Matt Myles, Gabe Myles, Breland Robinson, Fallon Traweek, Megan Traweek, Kelly Truax, Abbie Vaughn, and Allexie Williams

Click here to read the program from It's About Time.

Click here to see the poster from It's About Time.

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