By James Thurber
Directed by Robert Anderson
October 18, 19, 20, and 21, 1990
The Wise Auditorium
Mississippi State University Campus
Featuring – Greg Bentley, Alice Carol Caldwell, Michael Caldwell, Elizabeth Carter, Debbie Dunaway, Marty Morris, Peter L. Shillingsburg, Carrie Shurden, and Nelson Westmoreland
The Thurber Carnival is a Tony award-winning biographical tale of James Thurber in his earl years. James Thurber is considered on of the best humorist and cartoonist of his time. The play consist of different sketches that Thuber derived through his lifetime. These sketches first appeared in The New Yorker. These titles were My World--and Welcome to It, Let Your Mind Alone!, and The Middle Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze. The Thurber Carnival have been worked into the sketches with music, that includes "The Unicorn in the Garden" to "The MacBeth Murder Mystery."
Click to read the program from Thurber Carnival.
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