The Odd Couple (Female Version)

By Neil Simon

Directed by Marty Morris
August 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1991
McComas Hall Theatre
Mississippi State University Campus

Featuring – Elizabeth Burt, Katherine Conroy, Chris Elliot, Madeline Golden, Sandra Hodges, Terry Reese McDowell, Daniel Sadler, and Marianne Ulmer

"The Odd Couple, female version" resembles the original "Odd Couple', but is upended. The characters that were originally men are now women, the two sisters are now brothers, and the play still works, although not as successfully as the original. Part of the script seems forced and the characters other than Florence (originally Felix) are not as fully realized. This is most problematic in the character of Olive Madison (originally Oscar, such a memorable character in Simon's original).

But neither Florence nor Olive is completely convincing as person. A nut case, a neat freak, compulsive and annoying, King's Florence is ultimately made a sympathetic character, leaving Olive no option but to look like a gruff, irritable shrew. There seemed to be more balance between the two characters when they were both men. Neither seemed entirely at fault. Here it looks like Olive is the 'bad guy' even though Florence is supposed to be driving her crazy. Olive's motives for taking Florence in aren't very clear either. She says she does it from loneliness, but this Olive doesn't seem the lonely type.

Click to read the program from The Odd Couple (Female Version).

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