By William Braun
Adapted from a play by Barillet and Gredy
Directed by Marianne Ulmer
June 14 and 15, 1985
Sudduth School Auditorium
Featuring – Bill Anders, Chris Cleveland, Mara Faulkner, Charlotte Haynes, Chris Heller, Dana Ishee, Kimberly Ishee, Beth Killcreas, Ledge McDowell, Ty Phillips, Carol Ann Reese, Ryan Richardson, and Curt Ulmer
The words of Mark Twain narrate this well structured, faithful dramatization of the well loved adventures of Tom Sawyer. Life along the Mississippi in the 1840's was slow and quiet - for the most part. Still, a boy growing up in those times could often find adventure and excitement, if he was Tom Sawyer, that is. Tom's antics and daydreams fill the play with action, humor, drama and pathos.
Click here to read The Adventures of Tom Saywer program.
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