By Mary Kyte with Mel Marvin and Gary Pearle
Directed by Alice Carol Caldwell
October 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1985
School of Architecture Auditorium
Mississippi State University
Featuring - Madeline Branton, E. O. Hawkins, Elizabeth Hawkins, Sherribeth Mattox, Jeanne Nelson, and James Yarbrough
Tintypes is a tune-filled panorama; a musical melting pot; the Great American Songbook come to life. It offers snapshots, ¬ tintypes, if you will - of America in its last “Age of Innocence.”
The story of these changing times blazes to life in a tuneful, high-spirited brew of popular songs from 1890 to 1917, performed by five archetypes of the period: Anna Held, the beautiful music hall star; Emma Goldman, the notorious socialist; a black domestic worker; a Chaplin-esque Russian immigrant; and the outrageous Teddy Roosevelt, the youngest man ever to be elected President.
Click here to read the Tintypes program.
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