Octette Bridge Club

By P.J. Barry

Directed by Monroe Dewberry
January 8, 9, 10, and 11, 1987
Veterinary School Auditorium
Mississippi State University

Featuring - Barbara Bouchillo, Alice Carol Caldwell, Dixie Camp, Catherine Conroy, Madeline Golden, Frances Heller, Terry Reese McDowell, John Wells, and Marsha Williams

The opening vignette of 'The Octette Bridge Club' is a Norman Rockwell illustration come to life. Eight sisters in Providence, R.I., have gathered without their husbands, as they do twice a month, for a night of gossip, home baked pie and cards. The sisters are a merry, close-knit clan of Irish descent. They giggle as a newspaper photographer takes a picture of their 'club' for the Sunday Rotogravure section; they speak or sing in unison at the drop of a cloche hat. The year is 1934, and, as the women never cease to remind us, this was a time when families still had roots.

Click here to read the Octette Bridge Club program.

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