By Steven Vincent Benet
Directed by Robert G. Anderson
February 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1986
Small Auditorium
Mississippi State University Union
Featuring – Alice Carol Caldwell, Price Caldwell, Diane Ellis, Bill Parish, and Bill Stark, with the Mississippi State University Madrigal Singers – Clara Aycock, Sheldon Black, Viveca Boyd, Michael Brown, Celia Cook, Louann English, Pam Ewing, Joey Hans, Joni Hollinger, Terry Horack, Dennis Horn, William Lee, Van Loftin, Melanie Miller, Kaye Piner, Mary Perry, Charles Shelton, Lara Shore, Harold Smith, Lesli Wood, Sammy Wood, and Deleisa Yelverton
Tintypes is a tune-filled panorama; a musical melting pot; the Great American Songbook come to life. It offers snapshots, ¬ tintypes, if you will ¬ of America in its last “Age of Innocence.”
The story of these changing times blazes to life in a tuneful, high-spirited brew of popular songs from 1890 to 1917, performed by five archetypes of the period: Anna Held, the beautiful music hall star; Emma Goldman, the notorious socialist; a black domestic worker; a Chaplin-esque Russian immigrant; and the outrageous Teddy Roosevelt, the youngest man ever to be elected President.
Click here to read the John Brown's Body program.
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