By Rosemary Gabbert Musil
Directed by Marilyn Blake and Suzanne Dewberry
June 10, 11 and 12, 1983
Emerson Elementary School
Featuring – Marla Cunetto, Elyska Davis, Michelle Doolittle, Mike Frayser, Tricia Frnka, Michelle Jones, Jordan Krane, Scott Mabry, Patrick Manuel, Curtis Martin, Matthew Moore, Chuck Sparrow, Jennie Sparrow, Cathy Tomlinson, and Melinda Underwood
The five Pepper children at home are always getting into mischief, and having to be helped out of it by Grandma Bascomb. But when they join forces with the wealthy Whitney children, the fun is intensified, for the Whitneys are of a mischievous turn themselves.
The play illustrates the good American tenet that poor with ambition may better themselves, and that rich people recognize an obligation to help others. Modern children will love the Peppers just as their grandparents did.
Click here to read the Five Little Peppers program.
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