By Moss Hart and George Kaufman
Directed by John Graef
November 9, 10 and 11, 1978
Freds Dollar Store (old location, Lafayette Street, downtown)
Featuring - Marilyn Blake, Jim Bowman, Dick DeNovellis, Merrie Dorman, Betty Frnka, Ken Gordon, Frances Heller, Brian Hutton, Harriette Mastin, Chester McKee, Gerald Moore, David Morse, John Sullivan, John M. Sullivan, Charles Thomas, Inez Thomas, Don Vaughn, Carla Weaver and Bob Wolverton
You Can’t Take it With You is about the zany and eccentric Sycamore Family. In contrast to these delightful people are the unhappy and stuffy Kirbys. The plot shows how Tony (Todd Middleton), attractive young son of the Kirbys, falls in love with Alice Sycamore (Marisol Suarez) and brings his parents to dine at the Sycamore home on the wrong evening. The shock sustained by the Kirbys (John Hunt and Virginia Jones), who are invited to eat cheap food, shows Alice that a marriage with Tony is out of the question. Audiences are not disappointed as hilarious situations are anticipated and played out in this delightful comedy.
Click here to read the program from You Can't Take it With You.
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